Analysis Of Peculiar Benefits By Roxane Gay

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Description Peculiar Benefits is a memoir written by Roxane Gay. According to Roxane Gay (Peculiar Benefits May 16, 2012, para. 2) " To this day, I remember my first visit and how at every intersection, men and women, shiny with sweat, would mob our car, their skinny arm stretched out hoping for a few gourdes or American dollars." In the second passage of peculiar benefits Roxane Gay made reference to a genuine past experience, making the reading a memoir. Peculiar Benefits centralizes on Roxane Gay's assesment on privilege and her emotion towards self-delegated privilege police. The writer maintained a very clear and straight forward tone throughout the entire reading, to pass across her views on the subject. "Of course we do. Look at white …show more content…

In the reading hostility is a form a self-defense the lesser privilege uses towards the privileged because they perceive certain attribute a privileged might possess as an unfair advantage. The readings main point is trivializing privilege, requesting that individuals have a more embracing attitude towards privilege. "At some point, doesn't privilege become beside the point." (para. 17) Gay strongly believes that instead of pointing fingers and making accusations, individuals ought to focus more on talking through their differences. In the reading Gay referred to demographic characteristic comparison as a form of mental pleasure. "Playing the game of privilege is mental masturbation-it only feels good to the players" (para.6). The writer's statement potrays players as self-pleasers with insecurities. They also responded to their insecurities by consistently reminding or making privilege accusations towards people woth more benefits. However, what these individuals fail to see is if the main encounters and accomplishments, that considered credible are from those without benefit we will live in a silent …show more content…

I felt that the author's use of the words "mental masturbation." (para.6) and "self-appointed privilege police." (para.10) towards the less privileged was shallow and inaccurate. In my opinion I feel the author should use words that captures the main reason for the less privileged hostility. I believe that denied basic benefits is the main reason the for less privilege hostility. The struggles and the right of the less privileged are being ignored constantly. I do not agree with the authors reasoning that an individual making themselves self-appointed privilege police is a selfish attempt to discredit achievements or experiences of privileged individuals. I simply believe that this behavior is a cry out for equality. I have been in a situation where I had to stand almost two hours under the burning sun to get a bucket of water. It usually it took me about five minute to get a bucket of water but this time it was longer because the privileged manuevered their way in front of the cue causing me to spend more