Sonderkommandos who by Primo Levi standards were in a league with the SS officers, were the ones to put a stop to the horrors of Treblinka II, it made me question Levi’s testimony and question if his judgment was clouded by his opinion instead of facts. One thing that I know for sure is that Sonderkommandos may be viewed by many as perpetrators, but no one can question that they were heroes for having destroyed Treblinka II and stopping the killings of Jews by thousands.
It’s essential to grasp the concept and understand the importance of The Shoah not only by a survivor or someone who was directly affected by The Shoah, but to learn about it by a second party. The reason it’s important to learn it from a second party is that they bring an outside look that is not affected by emotions or
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That’s what Inga Clendinnen did in her book “Reading The Holocaust” to bring an outsiders view and to not make judgment on anyone like Levi and Goldhagen had done in their books. After reading “Witnessing” we have seen that much like Levi and Goldhagen description the main focus of the German Natzi was to remove one from society and turn them into the image of what they thought all Jews should be, which was “Haftling”. Clendinnen went more in depth with what the German Natzi were trying to do and talked about the new language they spoke inside the camp and the terms they used. Such as