Analysis Of Raymond's Run By Toni Cade Bambara

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Raymond’s Run is written by Toni Cade BAmbara. THis is a short story that follows a girl called Hazel or squeaky. Raymond’s Run is a story about Hazel, who is the fastest runner on her street. This story is about her journey and thoughts leading up to running the 50 yard dash at the May Day races. She practices and practices. There is a new competitor a girl, whose name is Gretchen, sher c is fast. They run the race and Hazel comes out on top as the victor. Along her journey, you will notice a theme that keeps popping up. The theme of Raymond’s Run is, no matter what happens, no matter who your sibling is there's a bond that causes you to find happiness in their happiness. There are many instances where this theme is portrayed by Bambara. One