Analysis Of Rebecca J. Donatelle's Enchaining Your Body Image

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According to Rebecca J. Donatelle, having a healthy body image is a key indicator of self-esteem, and increase a sense of personal empowerment. The first article is The Many Ways Virtual Communities Impact Our Word Offline by Jessica Lee (2012).Talks about how Virtual communities impact our world offline whether it’s through our families, avatars its relationships. The second article is Enchaining Your Body Image by Rebecca J Donatelle. They talk about how people view their body image negatively. Technology today made us uncomfortable by self-esteem, in our communities and through the media. People today are not comfortable with their bodies because of technology today. In the first article, Jessica Lee said “now, the term “wearing” is an …show more content…

Jessica lee talks about how virtual communities force us to behave in ways we would not (Lee, 2012, p.3). For example, in the article Virtual Communities Impact Our Word Offline, they gave us Facebook as an example. When you post an update, everyone sees it whether it is your friends or the person you’re casually dating. While Facebook continues to make tweaks to make your experience better you still have to comply with the social norm of virtual communities (Lee, 2012, p.4). Another example is in the article Enchaining Your Body Image they mention the members of society whom we interact with the most have a strong influence the way we see ourselves. For instance, Cyber bullying, peer harassment, can contribute to negative body …show more content…

The media plays a big role in enhancing the way we see ourselves. Whether it’s through social media or advertising through celebrities. Jessica lee said “I think perhaps one of the most powerful demonstration of how accessibility in this new era of social networks can affect us negatively is through a story about a young girl” (Lee, 2012, p.2). For example in the first article Virtual Communities Impact Our Word Offline by Jessica Lee, wrote about a young girl who is singing very poorly and it spreads really fast cross the country. Her address is giving and she end up dead because of a riot. (Lee, 2012, p.3)This story proves how something positive or fun can turn into something negative because of technology. Another example is in the second article Enchaining Your Body Image, talks about how Americans are bombarded daily with messages telling us that we just don’t measure up. What this means that we don’t fit in with the image of how celebrity’s look. For example Jessica Lee, used Taylor Lautner because of is today image of his six packed. Jessica Lee said, “The images and celebrities in the media set a standard for what we find attractive (Dontatelle, 2012, p.356). In most case what we find attractive is not really the ideal image, but it makes us uncomfortable because in reality 66 percent of Americans are overweight according to Rebecca J.

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