Analysis Of Rethinking The Gender Revolution By Ajee Gray

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Gender stereotypes have been a prominent aspect of our society in America. However, standpoints on the concept of gender roles are being re-evaluated by a large part of the population. The article “Rethinking the Gender Revolution” by Ajee Gray discusses the controversy on this topic. Gray opens his piece describing how according to traditional gender roles, women should be at home cleaning, cooking, and caring for children while men are out working to provide financial stability for the family. He then begin to discuss how women have fought for more rights and independence, such as the right to vote. Gray also gives data on a survey taken by The Council on Contemporary Families on millennials between the ages of 18 and 25. The results showed that they …show more content…

He also includes how according to a survey conducted by Joannin Pepin and David Cotter, in 1994 less than 30 percent of high school seniors thought the husband should make all the important decisions in the family. By 2014, nearly 40 percent subscribed to that premise,” (Gray, 2017). Gray argues that although our society may claim to be supporting more modern viewpoints of equality between men and women, “society takes a step back. Yet, this generation needs to continue to be progressive,” (Gray, 2017). Along with discussing stereotypical gender roles, the author of the article also discusses how more recent generations support people living outside the norms of gender roles. Gender stereotypes have been a large part of American culture. Traditionally, it depicts men as strong, independent, dominant,