Analysis Of Samael: A Narrative Fiction

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It felt right. So completely right and that's what frightened Samael. Just how right it felt it. It shouldn't have, after all that had happened they should not have met this perfectly. Their bodies should not be able to join and sway together as they did, Samael should not feel this deeply connected, both emotionally and physically. These thoughts about how this shouldn't be the way it was were only fleeting, seeming to be caught up in these sensual movements and lost to the pleasure they brought. All Samael could focus on was how he wanted more, so so much more. This incredible closeness drew him in, made him feel as if he were meant just to be close to Amaimon. It was as if that pull from their entire was leading him here and beneath the obvious pleasure of their actions he could feel an odd sense of belonging and happiness. …show more content…

He groaned into the kiss, opening his mouth as he felt his brother's tongue slip inside, tasting him. The kiss was rushed and ravenous and left him desperate for more, desperate to be so much closer than they already were. His fingers curled in Amaimon's hair, holding him close as he continued to rock back and forth. Amaimon was the first to break his kiss and he whimpered, wanting him again. The thought of his brother's lips were wiped away though as Amaimon thrust hard against him, making him cry out loudly as his length pushed against his sweet spot, the entirety of it so wonderfully pleasurable that his eyes closed, rolling back in his head as he pleaded yet again for Amaimon to continue. To keep going, to never stop, don't he dare ever stop. Swimming in ecstasy and lust, the time King leaned down again, kissing his brother like before, not liking the separation, moaning into his