Analysis Of 'Sleep' By Sebastian Wren

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While you are reading this text now certain parts of your brain are working in order to make you understand it. The question is how can few black marks on a paper make sounds, words and meanings?
Sebastian Wren describes the reading process as process which is similar to the process when you hear somebody speaking. The same parts of the brain are active in these two processes. He says that the outer surface of the brain which is called neocortex is responsible for the reading process. It is divided into four lobes and each lobe has a certain function during the reading process. These four lobes are: the frontal lobe at the front of the head, the occipital lobe at the back of the head, the temporal lobe on the side, and the parietal lobe on the top. While you are reading this now your occipital cortex is active, it is dealing with all the visual information such as the words and the sounds. The frontal lobe of your neocortex is handling with meaning of the text and working to relate what you are reading with your prior knowledge. Even if you reading this text silently your temporal lobe is also active now. It is the area of the brain which deals with reading sounds. It is active as if you are listening to somebody speaking. However, he says that it is impossible to describe what exactly happening in the cellular level in the brain, Wren suggests that the reading process is divided into three main levels …show more content…

It is more than just moving the eyes across the page it is a process that needs several strategies to be done before, during and after reading as Kathleen T. McWhorter suggests . she says that it is important to use these strategies in order to understand and remember what you are reading. Reading is not one step process that you follow from the beginning to the end. Instead, readers should plane their reading to move within the reading process and become good