Analysis Of Still I Rise By Maya Angelou

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Good evening teachers, parents and fellow graduates of 2014. It seems not that long ago that we were walking through the gates of Mount A for the very first time and our final time of walking through those gates is rapidly approaching. As we start a new chapter in our lives it seems that we can to turn to poetry to help us express ourselves. In the words of Audre Lorde “Poetry is not only dream and vision, it is the skeleton of architecture of our live. It lays the foundations for a future of change, a bridge across our fears of what has never been before.” I believe that this quote speaks the truth as there is an infinite availability of poetry that connects with us in one way or another. One poem that I have recently discovered that parallels with my current life is one of the many poems written by Maya Angelou and it’s titled “Still I Rise”. I believe this poem parallels with my current chapter of life as it represents the hidden fears i hold, the defiance and the hope of succeeding in the world beyond those gates of Mount Alvernia College. …show more content…

Graduation is one of the most thrilling and terrifying events that we will ever face. For the many of us, Graduation was one of the most important goals we had set. It was a goal that took a lot of time and effort but one of the most rewarding goals we will ever achieve. Graduation may signify the end of High school, but it is the beginning of a new chapter in our