My Midnight My Talk Analysis

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A poet was born on February 21, 1907 in York, England, by the name Wystan Hugh Auden, who’s farther George Aude, was a Physician and mother Constance Auden, was a nurse. W. H. Auden was raised in a big industrial town starting from the age of eighteen months due to his father’s new occupation as a school medical officer for the city of Birmingham. Auden received his education throughout boarding schools continuing on to Oxford University where he formerly began study biology and shifted to English which was difficult but verifying success after his graduation in 1928, he was known for his British poets, producing a new generation. Throughout W. H. Auden’s career, he voiced the concerns of the public from the government to human morals. In 1969, …show more content…

For instance, there are multiple lines that begin with My as the widow describes her sorrow throughout the poem. As Auden wrote, “My noon, my midnight, my talk, my song’…” Despite the person who reads the poem, it causes one feel unhappy and to start see the sorrow the widow is facing thru as she unfolds her unhappy ending. Towards the end of the poem, is where one truly feels the greatest emotional intensity as she expresses her bliss is no longer alive, so her joy transformed into miserable. “He was my North, my South, my East, my West, My working week and my Sunday rest. My noon, my midnight, my talk, my song; I thought that love would last forever, I was wrong.” (W. H. …show more content…

The line break that stands out the most to me is “Scribbling on the sky the message He is Dead” (W. H. Auden). The short but strong line creates an uneasiness in a person’s mind if put towards one they may love. Included in the same sentence is the dictation that stands out the most to me which is, “He is Dead.” A poem is written to draw the reader in, creating the scene, emotion, and mood for one to feel what the writer is expressing in in the poem, consequently he was able to write a masterpiece including all the essential key components making me feel the sorrow of the