Analysis Of The Article 'Shoot Out' By Guy Martin

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Mass shootings, gun violence, car accidents. These are all said to be causes of violent video games. In “Shoot Out” by Guy Martin, he writes about the popular high school game. Killer, senior assassin etc. He gives multiple pieces of evidence for why it is good for children. Many other authors have shared their opinions on violent video games. In” Harvard Health-Violent Video games and young people.” Harvard did a whole study to prove whether or not violent video games causes children to be more violent. A NY times article called “Shooting in the Dark” The author also gives many points of evidence towards how violent video games are good for children. The third article, “Violent video games may stop crime by keeping criminals busy playing violent …show more content…

A study done by Harvard Health, they display their opinion on violent video games and help to support the fact that violent video games are good for children. In their article they state that in recent years, many researchers have challenged the view that violent video games are harmful. In one paper, Dr. Christopher Ferguson, a psychology teacher at Texas A&M, argues that many studies on the issue of media violence rely on measures to assess aggression that does not connect to real world violence. Most importantly many are observational and don’t 100 % prove their findings. This piece of evidence connects to my claim because it tells us that a real paper done by a real professor at a college shows evidence that kids do not really get affected by violent video games. Another piece of evidence in the article is a visual(shown below) that shows that 62% of parents think that violent video games do not affect their child at all. This shows the reader that many families approve of violent video games and that they do not affect their children in any way shape or …show more content…

Their first piece of evidence used tells us that new research has begun to clarify what can and cannot be said about violent gaming and its effects. It also says that playing the games can and does stir hostile urges and mildly aggressive behavior in the short term, although it is not clear whether over long periods, that a person will commit violent crimes. This piece of evidence shows the reader that violent video games do make kids a little more aggressive while they are playing, but when they are done it does not make them want to commit violent crimes. Another piece of evidence the author adds into the article is about what does cause violence in children. The Author states “None of these extreme acts, like a school shooting None of these extreme acts, like a school shooting, occurs because of only one risk factor there are many factors, including feeling socially isolated, being bullied, and so on,” said Craig A. Anderson, a psychologist at Iowa State University.” (Carey 2-3) This piece of evidence supports the claim as it shows there are so many factors other than violent video games that cause people to be violent, one of which is social isolation which happens a lot to