In the Atlas Week presentation given on eating disorders and malnutrition titled “Healthy Body, Healthy Mind” was able to explain how the issue of malnutrition is both a local and global issue that can negatively affect the minds and bodies and individuals who experience it on a day to day basis. One point of the talk, given by members of the SLU Lions club, which I thought related to discussions in class on socioeconomic status and health outcomes, was how malnutrition is related to poverty. Also, the points made regarding how the issue of malnutrition has been exploited by some to gain control made me think of the discussions in class about how there can be power imbalances between “those with” and “those without”. In addition, the link between …show more content…
Within the presentation, there was mention of how lack of access to not only nutritionally rich food, but also food insecurity in general leads to chronic stress and desperation in individuals. These remarks made me think of the different ways of measuring health as listed in the article describing health disparities in U.S. by Dr. Donald A. Barr which described the various ways that health could be measured including physically, socioculturally, and psychologically. Those that are dealing with food insecurity may at times be physically healthy but may suffer greatly in terms of a psychological based definition of health as they are constantly worried about their ability to get enough food in the future. This can also relate back to differences in socioeconomic status as discussed in the presentation and in the recent discussion paper as well. Those of higher socioeconomic status are not worried about getting food or maintaining shelter so they have more time and mental energy that can be spent on maintaining their health, whereas those of lower socioeconomic status are not afforded the luxury of such time as they have the daily struggle of maintaining the basic