Health Inequalities Essay

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Health inequalities are preventable and unjust differences in health status experienced by certain population groups. People in lower socio-economic groups are more likely to experience chronic ill-health and die earlier than those who are more advantaged. Health inequalities are not only apparent between people of different socio-economic groups – they exist between different genders and different ethnic groups (“Health inequalities,” n.d.).

The situation in which people are born, grow, develop, work and age are affected by social, economic, environmental and most importantly political factors. Health inequalities do not just happen but are as a result of the social, economic and environmental factors that shapes our lives. Therefore, reducing …show more content…

Employment provides the financial security which a person can use to live a happy and healthy lifestyle. This is further enhanced when the work is good for example the hours of work are such that a person can have more family time and exercise. This can result in improved health outcomes of an individual. The condition of lower-status work tends to be poorer than higher status work. A flexible workforce is seen as good for economic competitiveness but brings with it effects on health (Benach & Muntaner, 2007).
Poor mental health outcomes are associated with precarious employment (e.g. non-fixed term temporary contracts, being employed with no contract, and part-time work) (Artazcoz et al., 2005; Kim et al., 2006). Workers who perceive work insecurity experience significant adverse effects on their physical and mental health (Ferrie et al., 2002).
Some actions need to be carried out to improve the employability and also working conditions in low-status work. Government needs to improve access to good and non-hazardous jobs, expand on free trainings (skill acquisition) but most importantly, Government policies have to include provision of sustainable work, with fair hours and wages within a safe