
Analysis Of The Birth-Mark By Nathaniel Hawthorne

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The Birth-Mark by Nathaniel Hawthorne is a story about Aylmer, a very recognized scientist, who marries Georgiana and he one day, asks her if she had ever thought of removing the birthmark she had on her cheek. The story explains that her birthmark had never bothered her and the men that wanted to marry her always found it very attractive. Aylmer starts to obsess about the mark and this makes Georgiana very self-conscious to the point the she believes she is ugly in his eyes. Aylmer has a dream where he tries to remove the birthmark by cutting into it, but as he cut deeper, the birthmark kept getting deeper until he had to cut out her heart. Georgiana is scared by this dream and tells her husband the he needs to find a way to remove it. Aylmer
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