Analysis Of The Body Of Christopher Greed

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3.) To begin with, finding out the truth is very important, no matter what obstacles one may face. The truth begins with dedication and determination, and this is shown in the novel, The Body Of Christopher Creed by Carol Plum- Ucci by Torey when he expressed that, “Something inside of [him] felt totally ready to be completely nice to the rejects” (Plum- Ucci 59). Before Torey started searching for Creed and before he became friends with Bo and Ali, Torey was inconsiderate and stingy to the lower- social class kids. After realizing what a negative impact he had on these people’s lives, he started being friendly with them and decided to find out where Christopher was, so he could level everything out with him. Overall, finding out the truth may come with many obstacles, but it is important to overcome them. …show more content…

Throughout the story, everyone is trying to figure out whether or not the letter Christopher wrote to the principal was actually written by him when in reality, “Chris read the [note] to [Mrs. Creed] before he ever disappeared, and before the cops ever got it and showed it to [Mrs. Creed]” (Plum- Ucci 241). The whole time Mrs. Creed was saying that it was impossible that Chris actually wrote the letter, but she actually knew the entire time that he wrote it because he recited it to her by heart the night before he unexpectedly disappeared. Obviously, Mrs. Creed was the main reason that he disappeared but, “Mrs. Creed would rather believe her own son is dead than believe she is at fault.” (Plum- Ucci 177). All in all, Mrs. Creed could not take the blame for her son’s disappearance, so she made up different stories, or theories, for other people to

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