Analysis Of The Movie 'Big' By Tom Hank

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Introduction In the movie “Big”, Tom Hanks plays a 12-year old child who turns into a grown man overnight and suddenly makes a career due to his unrestricted and childlike creative ideas (Telegraph, 2005). In spite of the exaggerated illustration, this notion of the naïve and unlimited imagination of children has widespread implications on the perception of creativity amongst scientists. Whilst Freud (1985) already assigned artistic individuals a form of behavioural disorder as they failed to suppress their puerile and playful instincts, Amabile (1982) argues that this inclination is inherited amongst most children and only driven out by social norms when growing up. Following this argument, Amazon founder Jeff Bezos recently stated that the …show more content…

Initially, Bezos argues that it is elementary to be “a domain expert to find solutions to problems” (2017), which describes the importance of domain knowledge for creativity to unfold. This opinion can be supported by Amabile (2012), who emphasises the importance of “domain-relevant skills” as an integral component of individual creativity in her framework. She claims that it illustrates the basic commodity, necessary to generate appropriate solutions as well as a competence base that enables assessment for feasibility. The example of the Reebok pump shoe exemplifies this argument, for which several designers came together to draw on their expert knowledge which enabled the creative solution of the shoe (Hargadon & Bechky, 2006). Nevertheless, being excessively focused on domain knowledge can cause experts to be biased towards one perspective and neglect solutions that are out of their domain or seem initially unfeasible. Bilton (2007, p. 33) declares this phenomenon as “over-specialization”, which describes the notion of being withdrawn into one’s own perceptions and increasingly unable to acknowledge someone else’s perspectives. Subsequently, this is not only an impediment to individual creativity but also has implications on an organisational level as it can enforce different thought worlds between