Analysis Of The Picture Of Dorian Gray

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Wilde’s sexuality and effeminate nature shaped his relations to the natural beauty of the world, which in turn manifested itself in the moral implications of his now famous works. For example, his very own personal ordeals are envisaged through the passages of The Picture of Dorian Gray, and it has been passionately hypothesized that characters such as Basil, Dorian, and Lord Henry are personalities of Wilde’s own flamboyant character. In an interpretation written by Donald H Ericksen, Wilde had written the following: “Basil in how I see myself, Lord Henry how the world sees me and Dorian how I would like to be”. The discussions surrounding The Picture of Dorian Gray were linked to the egregious homoeroticism displayed through the synergy of Wilde’s characters and how they interacted with each other. In a time of irrational Victorian thinking, it comes as no surprise that Wilde’s writing had evoked such a backlash. For people during the Victorian period, Wilde’s male characters and the relationships in which they maintained were more than abundantly suggestive to enable thoughts of disgust in even the most tolerant of people. Wilde’s own sexual orientation laid out for the reader just how these relationships were assembled. In the opening of The Picture of Dorian Gray, we the readers are greeted with a homosexual dalliance, which involves Dorian, Lord Henry, and Basil collectively. It can be clearly seen that Basil’s artwork is personally connected to his commendation over