Analysis Of The Veteran In A New Field

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The Veteran in a New Field After the Civil War ended on May 9th, 1865, many artists created paintings to depict the vast array of emotions felt by everyone during this time. One such artist was Winslow Homer of Boston, Massachusetts. In his painting, titled The Veteran in a New Field, Homer illustrates (juxtaposes) the relieved yet fearful and anxious mood of the country. Aside from Homer’s intentions, this painting holds various meanings depending on how one interprets it.

The year of 1865 was an emotional time for all of the United States consisting of the end of the Civil War, Robert E. Lee’s surrender, and the assassination of President Lincoln. Although the United States were relieved that the war had ended, the death of President …show more content…

These battles were among some of the bloodiest battles in history, thus staining the golden wheat into a dark, crimson red. Because we know that this man is a veteran of the war, one can only imagine the memories he must occasionally remember while farming the wheat. He, among other war veterans, are most likely relieved to be in such clean and blood free wheat fields. Particularly in this painting the farmer does not appear to be at all upset or distressed, showing the he may not have and sort of PTSD. However, what the painting doesn’t show is the countless amount of post-war veterans that could be having horrific flashbacks to the battles and unable to continue their work in the fields.
The grain on the ground symbolize the fallen soldiers from the war.

The farmer also symbolizes the grim reaper and/or death. The scythe he is using to harvest the wheat compares significantly to one the grim reaper would carry. As we can tell by a faint outline on the left side of the painting, Homer had originally used a different tool for the farmer. Because he is carrying this type of blade instead of something else, his harvest of the wheat represents the harvest of death of all the soldiers. Within the past years of this veterans life, he had most likely been killing many other soldiers in fields just like this one where he now cuts wheat.