In, “Young Goodman Brown's 'evil purpose': Hawthorne and the Jungian shadow” Moore’s critiques Hawthorne’s, “Young Goodman Brown.” Moore compares the writings of Hawthorne and offers as a substitute, a reading from the perception of Jungian theory, which, to his knowledge, can seal in some of the openings left by the Freudians. Jung, describes people as having two faces, the ones they chose to show the world and the natural self we show behind closed doors.
We can all agree Walt Whitman was a man of many words, phrases and lines that made us all reread, sit and think. I was given a random part of the 1855 version of Leaves of Grass, and challenged to dissect Whitman’s writing. The first line says “I speak the password primeval….” After looking up the worked primeval in the 1844 Emily Dickinson means original. Which is why I titled this paper “Original Password”.