Thomas Twaite Toaster Analysis

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Aberration from the normal breacfast Question- write a crytical analysis of an object, made since 1960 introduction It would be challenging to comprehend that someone would travel 1900 miles, spend £1187.54 and 9 months making a toaster that costs £3.49 in Agos. That is exactly what Thomas Twaites attempted to do, Replicate a common toaster and make all the components from scratch. This was a simple idea, but almost impossible to execute, a brave attempt at de-systemising production, to get under skin of the slick looking objects that surround us. Twaite 's toasters production was a journey exposing the distance we are from the manufactured objects in our environs. Twiates toaster illustrates how mass production and consumption have skewed our view of the objects in our lives. …show more content…

The worker, therefore, feels himself at home only during his lesure time , whereas at work he feels homeless his work is not voluntary but imposed, forced labour. It is not the satisfaction of a need, but only a means of satisfying other needs '.- karl marx economic and philosophic manuscripts (1844). What does twaite 's toaster say about commodification? And Value By putting the cost of production on his toaster and displaying it on a shelf alongside commercial toasters, Twaites gave his toaster a value thus making it commercial and a commodity. In a way Twaites toaster is a commodity speaking about commodification. Is this an appropriate context for an art object. Perhaps he did it to demonstrate how poor of a reproduction it was and how distanced the object produced in the singularity could be the the actual toasters we posess in out homes. magical transformation !!! should i talk abot the environment not a reproduction its an object with its own unique