Analysis Of Touching Spirit Bear By Ben Mikaelsen

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Tradition justice or Circle Justice? The answer to this problem determines Cole’s fate. In the realistic fiction novel,Touching Spirit Bear by Ben Mikaelsen, Cole is a troubled teenager who has the option to heal himself and the people he has harmed by going through Circle Justice. Cole is also recently attacked by a Spirit Bear. Before falling unconscious once again, Cole is rescued by Garvey and Edwin. The question is, is Cole eligible to continue through Circle Justice or should he be tried through tradition justice?

Cole should continue through the process of Circle Justice. One way to prove Cole’s change is Cole realizing how beautiful life is. On page 114, Cole takes a look at everything around him and realizes everything, “even the wet moss and crushed grass,” is beautiful. Cole also realized that everything is connected. On page 115, …show more content…

Since Cole is rescued by Garvey and Edwin, he takes some time with Nurse Rosey to heal before leaving for his journey to the hospital. While there with Nurse Rosey, Edwin does not believe Cole for having an encounter with a Spirit Bear because Edwin says they are not known to live there. While Edwin and Cole have this conversation, Nurse Rosey comes in with a bag of Cole’s clothes. Cole then begins to dig through the bag in search of the fur, but her does not find it. While the begin the transportation, Cole again reaches into the bag to find the fur. After some consideration, Cole discards of the fur by throwing it into the water. This is where Cole decides that he does not want to brag about something he is not proud of the pride he is trying to give himself by keeping a tuft of fur. He also realizes that his words are his only proof. This means that Cole decides that he is not going to lie anymore, and the words he tells anyone are the