Analysis Of Uranus, The Primordial God Of The Gods

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Gods and Goddesses were ideas created by the ancient Greeks to explain the natural wonders of the world. From explaining the presence of space, to the creation of wine, these beings allowed the Greeks to feel content with their lives, knowing who and how things were made for their living. These creatures ranged in power from stronger deities explaining more prominent environments, to lesser one for smaller environments. One of the most ruthless Gods involves Uranus, the Primordial God of the Heavens. According to Greek Mythology, Uranus is the Primordial God of the Heavens. He was born by Gaea, who was his mother and eventually his wife. He also was said to be born by Chaos or Aether, but his true father is unknown. He has white hair, which is also present in his lengthy beard, reaching to his chest. His body displays a strong amount of muscle, which is mostly exists on his arms. Personality wise, Uranus is powerful, but instead of using his powers pleasantly, he instead is loathsome, arrogant, and hateful towards his children, who came to be through Gaea. “Hating his children Uranus banished to Tartarus, inside Gaea.”(Greek Mythology) This quote shows that Uranus was truly insufferable towards them, as he thought they were ugly. Lastly, Uranus’ symbol is an open circle with a dot in the middle, and an arrow on the top pointing upwards. It is to represent the Heavens, which as said before is his realm. Uranus was born by Gaea, the God of Earth, however he was also married