The Existentialism In Edward Albee's Theatre Of The Absurd

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The term "theater of the absurd" was probably invented by Martin Esslin, who wrote "The Theatre of the Absurd 'in 1961. The origin of this form of theater is obscure, but it would be reasonable to assume that his lineage is traceable from game Roman mimes. The idea that man is absurd is far from new. An awareness of the essential absurdity of much human behavior is the work of many writers. absurd game is a form of theater that emphasizes the existentialist philosophy of absurdity and meaninglessness of human existence. The term "existentialism" means relating to the existence or logic, to predict the existence. Philosophically, it now applies to a vision of the state and the existence of man, his place and function in the world and her relationship, or lack of one, with God. The main feature of an absurd game is to show that life is essentially meaningless and therefore unhappy. There is no hope because of the inevitable futility of the efforts of one man. The man is fascinated by death, which permanently replaces dreams and illusions. There is no action or intrigue in an absurd play.
Edward Albee is often considered one of the greatest modern playwrights of America, known to be at the forefront …show more content…

An adopted child, he shares with Genet sense of orphan loneliness in an alien world and the image of the wish child who only existed in the imagination of the adoptive parents and returned in a number of his plays, including "The American Dream" and "who 's afraid of Virginia Woolf. The latter, which earned him a huge hit on Broadway, is undoubtedly one of the finest US coins since the height of Eugene O 'Neill. The Zoo Story (1958), one of the first companies to Albee drama, is a precise clinical study of schizophrenia, an image of loneliness and man 's inability to get in touch, and also, on ritual and symbolic, a ritual act of self-immolation has curious parallels with the atonement of