Film Analysis: The Song Not The Singer

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Henry Krips’ “The Song Not the Singer,” discusses the concept of objet a and the idea of it being a lack of something rather than a substitute of an object, (Krips, 20). This lack or yearning becomes a driving factor towards fulfilling pleasures and desires. Angela Christlieb and Stephen Kijak’s documentary Cinemania (2002) follows five cinephiles and their ‘need’—desire— to see multiple films every single day. All five characters have similar obsessive film viewer behaviors and particular rituals that aid in their viewing experiences. However, two specific people focused on in the film Roberta Hill, and Jack Angstreich, share especially unique ways of fetishizing their practices. For both of these people, film watching is not only an experience …show more content…

This agenda, in theory, seems like it would aid in allowing him to see (and fill in on his list) more films. However, the tight schedule becomes an obstacle at times for him. He must figure out the public transportation and navigate how to make each screening on time. In this way the schedule because like Krips allegory of the chaperon, (Krips, 23). By having to rely on the New York subway, taxi, or walking Jack continuously risks being late to a screen or missing it entirely. This is also not taking into consideration if a particular theatre’s time runs over during one of their showings. If he did not give himself such a tight schedule, these factors would not matter, but almost missing a screening or being able to see five films in a day is more desirable because again he is quantifying how many films he can see. The schedule could also be seen as a ‘chaperon’ in a sense without it Jack runs the risk of not knowing what is playing and thus not even knowing a particular film is being screened. In both instances, the schedule creates a greater objet a because it is a challenge of knowing the films that are screening and being able to get to all of them. Jack is fetishizing the thrill of seeing numerous films in a day and being able to get there in

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