
Analysis: The War Of Opinions

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The War of Opinions After 1763, the American colonists fought with the British. The British imposed various taxes on the colonies to cultivate revenue to mend their debts from the Seven Years War. However, the colonists believed the actions taken by the British represented a tyrannical government. Therefore, it can be argued that the Americans fought the War of Independence because of an ideological difference with Great Britain, in particular in the way they were accustomed to being governed, as well as how they viewed the British. The American colonists were accustomed to governing themselves by colonial assemblies, which the British did not let rule the colonies. In addition, majority of the American colonists viewed themselves as well as Parliament in a republican outlook. The first disagreement between the American colonies and the British government was in …show more content…

This system of governance caused dismay within the colonies following 1763. This disagreement with the British can be seen in the Resolutions of the Stamp Act Congress. In this document, the Stamp Act Congress respectfully asked Parliament to remove the Stamp Act from the colonies. The Stamp Act Congress wrote regarding the British taxation on the colonies, “ That is inseparably essential to the freedom of a people, and the undoubted right of Englishmen, that no taxes be imposed on them, but with their own consent, given personally, or by their representatives.” By this statement, the Stamp Act Congress rejects the British taxation, because they are not being directly represented by British Parliament. Another example of where the colonists show they are unhappy with the way they were being governed can be found in the Declaration and Resolves of the First Continental Congress. In this document, the First Continental Congress rejected the way the British were using their power against the colonies, and how the colonies should be

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