Analytical Analysis Of The Star Wars Prequels

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A number of people were not happy about the Star Wars prequels. I was one of them but I did go see all three at the theaters. Let me speak on Episode II, Attack of The Clones because this will bring focus to what I post later. The major plot in Episode II was the Separatists moving the galaxy towards war and the Republic were debating on forming a “Grand Army of the Republic” to engage the Separatists. The Separatists were led by Count Dooku who was eager for war and The Republic was led by Chancellor Palpatine who had to deal with a Senate unsure if they want an army. Once word got out of a droid army being built by the Separatists and the discovery of a clone army it was decided that the Republic would have its Grand Army of the Republic and war was coming. In the end it …show more content…

What I post next is my opinion, not fact……. Let’s go back in time to maybe 2011. A group of men and women who could be considered “Friends of Hillary” got together to discuss Hillary Clinton possibly entering the 2016 Presidential race. These friends know having Hillary in the White House would be a plus for them. Back in the 1990’s this group was “Friends of Bill” and Bill Clinton enriched them many times over and Hillary will do the same. One problem: Hillary Clinton is a hated woman. She has been known to rub people the wrong way and if she did run then the same problems that plagued her in 2008 will definitely plague her in 2016. In 2008,