Order 66 Research Paper

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The galactic civil war started do to order 66. Order 66 was an order given by the Emperor (palpatine), The order 66 was for all clones which were on the Republic side to terminate all Jedi. The clones had a memory trip that, when triggered it commences any order given, such as order 66. After many Jedi died only few survived. The republic was dieing out, and a new age called the Empire arose. The Emperor lead this and wanted to make strict rules on the galaxy. As the Empire grew stronger there was a space station being made by the Empire called The Death Star. The Death Star was made for docking ships,safety for the Empire and a base for them too. This was also a weapon, this Death Star could easily destroy a planet with a beam. While the Death Star finished luke was 21 years old and was about to experience a …show more content…

The Rebel Alliance could not stand against the Emperials At-At’s and other troops and more. Luke,Han,Leia, And Chewbacca all retreated. Luke took his X-Wing to go to the Dagobah system for training while the others took the Falcon. Luke reached Dagobah safely but as for the others they were being chased by Ti-Fighters. After they got chased the lost the Empire and flew to Cloud City and landed in Bespin were Han could see his friend Lando while they hide from the Empire. Lando then showed them that he betrayed them and he worked for the Empire. As this happen this led to Han being frozen in carbonite and the others captured in prepared to go to prison. After halfway through Luke's training with Yoda he sensed his friends were in danger, even though Yoda warned him about the danger he ignored it going out to save his friends. He snuck his way through and his friends escaped. Luke ran into a trap which Yoda warned him about. He fought Vader and lossed his hand in battle and fell into a air vent which he was then saved by his friends from