Analytical Essay: HPE Anxiety In Mental Health

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Term 1 HPE Anxiety Analytical Essay

Anxiety is undeniably one of the most common mental health disorders and health concerns occurring in adults and adolescents (Hillier, 2018). The incidence of anxiety should definitely be reduced amongst teenagers using methods such as exercise and mindfulness practices, as these are the best choices. Anxiety is characterised by unusual physical changes, negative thoughts and feelings of tension as a response to anticipated threat (Perkins, 2018). The mental disorder is caused and formed by the amygdala, located deep in the medial temporal lobe. The amygdala acts on impulse and is designed to have thoughts to protection for the body from possible danger (Young, 2018). Anxiety is common amongst adolescents, as they will often pass through hardships, and at this age of …show more content…

According to a British research study The mental brain full develops at the age of 21 for females and the age of 25, with women reaching emotional maturity at the age of 32, 11 years before men (Olson, 2013). Therefore, teenagers are much more likely to experience anxiety. This is also why approximately one-quarter of teenagers experience anxiety during the teenage years (Nott, 2013). One barrier which many teenagers also experience is mental illness stigma. Mental illness stigma occurs when someone shows negative perceptions, judgements or stereotypes and are regarded in a different perspective. People suffering from mental illness are treated differently and take on prejudiced views on themselves which overall impact self-esteem (Health Direct, 2017). The effects of anxiety amongst teenagers can be reduced using various anti-stigma methods. These include: