
Analytical Essay On Fahrenheit 451 By Ray Bradbury

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Fahrenheit 451 Analytical Essay “Fahrenheit 451—the temperature at which book paper catches fire, and burns…” Set in a dystopian society, where books are outlawed and information is hidden; Guy Montag, fireman, burns banned books. After meeting Clarisse, a young girl who is different from society, he questions his definition of happiness and what is right in the world—which he soon figures is all connected to books. In the novel Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury, the author establishes the idea that censoring conflicting knowledge and overusing technology can create ignorance in people as well as the inability to socialize; this becomes evident through the characters’ ignorance of the world and obliviousness of the people around them.
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Clarisse is considered antisocial because she is different from those around her. She is different in that she thinks that people should socialize, although she’s considered antisocial, “ I don’t think it’s social to get a bunch of people together and then not let them talk”(29) which does not allow connections between people and ideas to be created. The reader learns that society cannot be engineered by limiting knowledge and human interaction. Bradbury is showing that by replacing socialization with constant independent electronic usage ruins relationships amongst people. Relationships between mother and child, marriages, and friendships, have no substance and little love. People like Mildred and Montag were deeply affected by technology:“...And he remembered thinking then that if she [Mildred] died, he was certain he wouldn’t cry. For it would be the dying of an unknown” (44). Both Montag and Mildred, who have been married 10 years, have been consumed by technology—making them drift apart. Mildred, became dependent on TVs and Seashells (music players) isolating her from the rest of the world and allowed her to become oblivious to social cues and even self harm. The author is demonstrating how the use of technology with limited social interaction will affect relationships. Technology has advantages, but also disadvantages; the

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