Compare And Contrast The Princess And The Puma

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Both "A Midsummer Night’s Dream" and “The Princess and the Puma” develop the theme of Deception through Word choice, Characterization, and Plot . The first literary element that helps both texts develop the theme of Deception is Word Choice. In The Princess and the Puma, after Josefa shoots the puma, Givens tries to flip the story and make the princess feel bad for killing his “Pet” puma Bill, Given says “"I always loved 'em," said he; "horses, dogs, Mexican lions, cows, alligators--"", then Josefa responds and says “I hate alligators," instantly demurred Josefa; "crawly, muddy things!"”. After the princess says this, Given changes his story and says “"Did I say alligators?" said Givens. "I meant antelopes, of course."”. Throughout the