Why Is The Philadelphia Convention Still Relevant Today

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The constitution may help the government run smoothly in the current day, but to reach agreements on it, founders first had to workout many conflicts at the Philadelphia Convention. The Philadelphia Convention, also known as the Constitutional Convention, resolved many conflicts based off of representation in parliament and a lack of a basic rights list in the constitution. These resolutions can be seen in many events or meetings throughout history, such as specific arguments between the founders. Resolutions to the Philadelphia convention also show up in our amendments and Bill of Rights. In addition to the resolutions staying current through the means of amendments, there are also many current events that support these results.
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Today there are several examples of these compromises, such as our current bicameral government system and African Americans rights. During the convention there was a dispute between the larger and smaller states about reputation throughout the legislature. These differences resulted in the Connecticut Compromise, which led to the creation of of the House and the Senate. This event is still relevant in the United States today because this is still our system we use throughout our government. Still consisting of the House based on a state's population and the Senate which is a set number of members. Another current example is African American rights, during the convention southern states argued for slaves to have some sort of representation in population counts. Resulting in the 3/5th Compromise, Fugitive Slave Clause, 13th amendment, and the 15th amendment. However one of the most influential documents in U.S. history was drafted due to disputes occurring during the Convention, the Bill of Rights. This document is still used in American society today to describe the rights of citizens. Even though the Philadelphia Convention ended up being a major dispute between the thirteen founding states, the compromises that were made throughout would still hold true in American society …show more content…

The Virginia Plan was proposed in order to settle disagreements among states over the issue of representation. Due to the extreme differences in population between the states, larger states wanted representation to be based off of population, while the smaller states wanted representation to be equal for all states regardless of population. Today the U.S. government still uses population as a way of representation in parliament. In addition to the Virginia Plan, the 3/5’s Compromise was also created as a way to settle conflicts. This compromise was reached, because southern states wanted slaves to count as part of the population and order to get more representation, while the northern states did not. Therefore, they reached the conclusion that every five slaves would be counted as three people. However, the thirteenth amendment then goes on to abolish slavery. As well as the thirteenth amendment being current, the Bill of Rights also resulted from the convention, because some were apprehensive to sign without a list of basic