Analytical Essay: The Book Of James

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The Book of James was written approximately 46-50 AD, it is the 59th out of the 66 books of the Bible. The book was written by a servant of God named James who was Jesus’ half-brother who was the leader of the church in Jerusalem (Acts15:13; 21:18). It may be the first New Testament book written probably around AD50, or at least before James’s death in AD62. The early date suggest that the scattered Jewish believers James was writing were those who fled Jerusalem after Stephens’s death. These believers continued to experience trials from within and without. James wrote this letter as a pastor instructing Jewish Christians how to live righteously. It was written to Jewish Christians but it applies to all believers. There are dynamic teachings on how to become all that God wants us to be. James was written to believers for the primary purpose of addressing issues of partiality and inactive faith in the churches to whom it was written. This book explains what Christians go through in Ch.1, beware of personal favoritism in Ch.2, how a Christian should speak in Ch.3, how a Christian should treat others in Ch.4, and what is expected from a Christian in Ch.5. James did not advocate that followers do good works as a means of boosting their faith, instead he was reminding his …show more content…

James directs those who are sick or weakened by their suffering to call for the elders of the church for support, strength and prayer, rubbing him with oil. Prayer were offered on their behalf by the elders to deliver them from their suffering because they were weakened by their infirmity, not from their sin which was confessed. Mutual honesty openness and sharing needs enable believers to uphold each other in the spiritual struggle. Elijah illustrates the power of prayer. V. 13-14 speaks of wanderers from the truth, they are in grave danger and the church must call them back to the true