
Analyze The Reasons For American Imperialism In The Late 1800s

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By the late 1800s, the confluence of several geopolitical, ideological, and economic factors gave rise to the US goal for global expansion. Based on prominent historical documents related to the Platt Amendment, the De Lôme Letter, and the expansionist views of Henry Cabot Lodge, this paper analyzes the reasons behind America's imperialistic urge, how it is spreading, and the arguments for and against imperialism. The American rapid industrialization resulted in overproduction and the desperate seeking of new markets to purchase American goods. The reason behind the development of international markets was to open new outlets for surplus goods, which were to be sold to balance the economy at home or to make sure of further expansion. The economy of the US was experiencing boom and bust cycles …show more content…

agenda of expansionism. Official figures, such as Henry Cabot Lodge, also cajoled for imperialism by promising to ensure profits and keep the economy competitive with the world market. According to him, the United States had to get colonies to prove its influence in the world economy and block the growth of European and Japanese colonialism. This position gained a lot of sympathy from many businesspeople who believed international expansion would provide an avenue for both enhancement and protection of their interests in the economy. To this end, American expansionist plans held strategic considerations paramount. Indeed, in his seminal work entitled The Influence of Sea Power upon History, Alfred Thayer Mahan underlined that only with a great fleet and overseas bases could any country bent on greatness start to finally attain it. For him, the process toward great power status could always be based on the issue of oceanic control as a sine qua non-prerequisite for protecting vital American interests and influence

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