Early Twentieth-Century American Imperialism Dbq

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The United States during the early twentieth-century was a heated debate. Constant changes including World War One, the Spanish-American War, and the idea that the United States would join the League of Nations would lead to major debates determining what role the United States should have taken during the constant changing world. This essay is here to go into detail about what the United States should have done during this time period as well as highlight some of the outcomes from a more progressive nation.
Imperialism is defined as “The use of diplomatic or military force to extend a nation’s power and enhance its economic interests, often by acquiring territory or colonies and justifying the behavior with assumptions of racial superiority” …show more content…

Emilio Aguinaldo is the name of this leader who was ruthless and when the United States didn’t grant or recognize this he declared war on the beloved country the United States. This sparked up many fiery discussions among senators. One such discussion was between George Hoar and Beveridge and “every word of which… [would] cost and… [would cost] the lives of American soldiers” (Doc. D). This discussion was arguing between whether or the Philippines was a United States territory and if it was in the construction or not. This territory was extremely important for the united states because it allowed the United States passage to all of the East. This would end up staying the way it was as well as strengthening the United States. This was very important because it shows how the United States was honoring what it believed in and was finding was to improve …show more content…

K). His war message was passionate and four days later the war commenced. The Germans were not kidding they threatened to skink any vessels heeding to Great Britain or France. Wilson greatly wanted an, “international law… [that] would be respected and observed upon the seas, where no nation had the right of dominion where lay the free highways of the world” (Doc. K). This means he didn’t want one country to have all the power he wanted it to be equal and everyone have an opinion and say in what happens I the future. At this time ”3 Million Soviet soldiers were captured many of whom were then murdered and stabbed to death” (Tindall and Shi, 881). This war was horrific and caused many lives before it was ever concluded. President Wilson also wanted to be apart of the League of Nations the intergovernmental organization Wilson created. The cartoon from Document G, titled “Interrupting the Ceremony”, depicts how the united states senate was going to interrupt the ceremony and stop the interaction from