Analyze The Reasons For The Fall Of Rome

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There were many theories that help lead to the fall of Rome, there are many different reasons for the decline of the Roman empire. but the most important reasons are Excessive Military Spending, Inflation, and Political Corruption. Political Corruption played a big part of the fall because there was no “right ruler.” In addition, people in Rome became corrupt because of Inflation, were coins were valued at a lesser value, and because of Excessive Military spending, where taxes would increase. After these many problems in the society, Rome was not able to survive. One reason for the decline of Rome was Political Corruption. This is one of the most important reasons for the fall of Rome because they always had a problem choosing leaders. They never had an efficient system. And for that reason, it would always be the choice of the old emperor, the regular army and the emperor's private army. The system worked fine for a while, until later after 186 A.D, they would auction the throne to the highest selling bidder! The …show more content…

This was a problem that every person in Rome was facing and having a hard time to deal with. After the rule of Marcus Aurelius, the Roman economy suffered from an increase of prices. One the Romans stop conquering new land, the flow of gold in the economy decreased. Romans spend gold on luxury items, which meant there was less gold to use for coins, so the amount of gold decreased in the making of coins, so then the coins became less valuable. Because of that merchants had to increase the prices of the goods they sold. The people were already paying higher taxes and then they had to pay extra money to get everyday stuff they need. So many people started to stop paying coins and began to barter, which is trading goods rather than money every day. But because of increasing prices and taxes, this is one of the most important reasons the economy of Rome to

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