Analyzing Chaim Potok's Short Story 'Zebra'

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Tell why Zebra cannot run anymore.

In the short story, “Zebra,” by Chaim Potok, the main character, Zebra, has a passion for running. He attempted a risky run down a steep hill and built up too much momentum making it harder to stop. Out of nowhere, a car emerged and he began suffering from severe injuries. The text states, “...when a huge rushing shadow appeared in his line of vision and crashed into him and plunged him into a darkness from which he emerged very, very slowly…” The author is portraying the incident as an abstract object coming into view. Since Zebra was moving swiftly, he could’ve been caught in the moment and missed it. Zebra could have seen the object as a shadow and didn’t think it would be dangerous. Because he missed the object, in result, he got seriously injured. He probably could have avoided it if he didn’t run as fast. He was in the …show more content…

Contrast Zebra and Andrea.

In the short story, “Zebra,” by Chaim Potok, there are two characters repeatedly mentioned known as Zebra and Andrea, have many differences. The main difference is their gender, Zebra is a boy and Andrea is a girl. Also, they don’t have positive relationship. These two don’t have similar interests either. Zebra and Andrea could have been friends, but might have been consumed by their differences. Andrea thinks that Zebra is gloomy because of the stories he tells. Then again, she is assuming. The author states, “‘You always tell such sad stories,’ said Andrea.” She wasn't very encouraging towards him. Zebra thinks she is rude because of the way she responds and talks to him. Zebra and Andrea also don’t have a strong relationship.They choose to focus on what sets them apart from each other. This caused their bond to be slightly negative and weak. They don’t see each other as friends. In the short story, they interact negatively and the reader draws the conclusion that they aren’t friends or do not like each