Literature Review On The Pigman

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A boy runs after his mother, grabs her hand, and pleads, “Don’t do it, mama! Don’t do it!” The mother tears her hand away and screams, “Ungrateful child! You cannot cannot stop me. I’m going to jump! I’m going to jump off the old bay bridge!” Across the country, a little girl hides under her bed as her father stumbles around, his words slurred as he calls her name, a whip in hand. More children than society believes goes through experiences such as this every day. Up until about 50 years ago, the country completely ignored how this background could affect adolescent growth and integration into society. Paul Zindel went against the grain, and with his novel The Pigman, tries to make ignorant America understand what teenagers can go through …show more content…

“Humor, Bathos, and Fear: An Interview with Paul Zindel,” Teacher Librarian, vol. 27, no. 2, Dec. 1999, pp. 60-62. Novels for Students, edited by Jennifer Smith, vol. 14, Gale, 2002, pp. 189-191.
Meyer, Michael J. "Problems and Prescriptions: Child Abuse in the Novels of Paul Zindel." Children's Literature Review, edited by Scot Peacock, vol. 85, Gale, 2003. Literature Resource Center,
Smith, Grant T. "The Pigman's Story: Teaching Paul Zindel in the 21st Century." Children's Literature Review, edited by Jelena Krstovic, vol. 186, Gale, 2014. Literature Resource Center,
“The Pigman.” Novels for Students, edited by Jennifer Smith, vol. 14, Gale, 2002, pp. 175-186.
Winters, Kelly. “Critical Essay on The Pigman.” Novels for Students, edited by Jennifer Smith, vol. 14, Gale, 2002, pp. 186-189. Zindel, Paul. Afterward. The Pigman, HarperTrophy, 2005.
Zindel, Paul, and Teri Lesesne. "Humor, Bathos and Fear: An Interview with Paul Zindel." Children's Literature Review, edited by Scot Peacock, vol. 85, Gale, 2003. Literature Resource Center,