Piggy Lord Of The Flies Argumentative Essay

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William Golding’s fictional, British novel, Lord of the Flies, presents a character that serves a two-part function as a “scapegoat” and a certain commentary on life. During WWII, a group of British boys are being evacuated via plane when they crash and are stranded on an island without adults. As time progresses, the innate evilness of human nature begins to overcome the savage society of young boys while Piggy, an individual representation of brains without brawn, becomes an outlier as he tries to resist this gradual descent of civilness and ends up shouldering the blame for the wrongdoings of the savage tribe. Up until his untimely death, Piggy is portrayed as the most intellectual and most civil character in the group of stranded boys. Right from the beginning, Piggy realized that “[they] got to do something,” (8) and he recognized the shell Ralph had picked up as a conch. Piggy excitedly exclaimed, ‘“It’s ever so …show more content…

When Piggy was trying to reason with Jack to give him back his glasses, Roger lets loose a boulder that “struck Piggy a glancing blow from chin to knee […] Piggy, saying nothing, with no time for even a grunt, traveled through the air sideways from the rock, turning over as he went […] Piggy fell forty feet and landed on his back across the square red rock in the sea” (163). Piggy’s death was ironically cruel and barbaric during what was supposed to be a civilized, orderly plead to Jack showing that the innate evil of human nature will always overcome any attempts to remain civilized. Sadly, Jack tries to justify this and make a scapegoat out of Piggy by wildly screaming, “‘See? See? That’s what you’ll get! I meant that! There isn’t a tribe for [Ralph] anymore!’” (163). Instead of coming to his senses, Jack uses Piggy’s death as inspiration to gain total control of the island and its inhabitants and justifies it by claiming that Piggy and Ralph should never have questioned his