The Lord Of The Flies: Piggy Character Analysis

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Of all the characters featured in Lord of the Flies who relates to the book’s overall meaning and purpose the most? Piggy. William Golding purposely wrote this as an allegorical story, meaning almost everything -including characters- alludes to or symbolizes something else. I choose Piggy because he is the strongest example of this. Statements made by him, statements said about him, his appearance, his ideas, his death...all of these examples and more have a deeper meaning that just isn’t present within the other characters. These allusions are present throughout the entire story and build upon each-other.
Piggy relates to the book’s overall meaning because he ties in with every theme of the story. When Golding first started writing this story, he was living in a time where the world was at war. He was baffled by the holocaust and wanted to solve this question is man inherently good or evil. Lord of the Flies was his answer. Golding intentionally used children instead of adults because children are naturally innocent. Adults turning into savages wouldn’t be as shocking or significant. The first major theme presented is dehumanization of relationships. Just like the Nazi’s did the Jews, Jack and his crew spend the whole story dehumanizing Piggy.

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How could he not? His glasses are on the cover of the book and everything. Based on what Golding wrote, I can infer that he believes man is inherently evil. But what do you think? Before reading Lord of the Flies, I believed that man was inherently good. After finishing the story, my opinion has changed to that man is both inherently good and evil. We all start off good, but after being put in certain situations, our brains are trained to prioritize our needs over others. This greed can go too far and turn us into people we haven’t been for centuries. But that’s just my epiphany on man...what's