Whipping Boy Sparknotes

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The Newbery Award winning book I chose to do my literature review on is The Whipping Boy. This book would be taught for grade 5. The story is about a young boy by the name of Jemmy who was orphaned and made a living for himself by catching rats in sewers. Jemmy becomes the whipping boy for Prince Horace who is known to be a rather bratty Prince. Every time Prince Horace misbehaves Jemmy is punished with spankings in his place because it is illegal to punish the prince. The mischievous prince decides to run away and forces Jemmey to go along with him. The two boys eventually run into trouble when two bandits, Hold-Your-Nose Billy and Cutwater take them hostage. Assuming he is royalty because he can read and write, the two bandits plan to use Jemmey for ransom in order to get money and treasures from the King. After a few more dangerous adventures and the help of Captain Nips and Petunia, the boys finally find their way back to the city. In the end the boys, who are complete opposites, develop a deep friendship and appreciation for one another. The Prince changes for the better and learns to be a to be a more well behaved and respectful young man (scholastic.com). There are several reading strategies …show more content…

This level “exhibits previously learned material by recalling facts, terms, basic concepts and answers” (teaching.uncc.edu). After reading the Literary work, The Whipping Boy, some strategies that I would implement in order to draw students minds back on themes, characters, and plot of the story is by outlining the main events with at least three supporting ideas as evidence. I would model one example on the board and then have students practice their own and share individual responses. This strategy will help students prepare for the test in order to answer questions such as How does Prince Horace make the King upset at the feast? How does the King react? will call for students to recall on main ideas from the