Analyzing Foreshadowing In Desiree's Baby By Kate Chopin

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Analyzing Foreshadowing Early in the story, the reader learns that Desiree wasn’t happy in her marriage with Armand after they had there baby. In a way, Kate Chopin the author of the story “Desiree’s Baby”. She subtly hints that Desiree is depressed and unhappy .When she goes to pick up her son after her argument with Armand. The first clue was when Kate Chopin said “She took the little one from the nurse’s arms with no word of explanation, descending the steps, walked away, under the live-oak branches”. This moment becomes even more evident that she was so depressed, and sad. when she picked up her child. She said nothing and walked away with her child in arms. This indicates she was so down .She didn't want to talk to anyone, and how affected she was after …show more content…

Was when Kate Chopin said “Desiree had not changed the thin white garment nor the slippers which she wore. This moment becomes even more evident because the author tells us she hasn’t probably showers or changed. She’s still wearing the same white garment and slippers. She’s so unhappy she doesn’t care how she looks or that she's wearing the same thing. A third clue was that in the story Kate Chopin also mentions this “She walked across a deserted field, where the stubble bruised her tender feet, so delicately shod, and tore her thin gown to shreds. This moments also becomes more evident when the author said she walked into a filed and the stubble was hurting her feet and shredding her gown. It lets you knew she doesn't even care she's ruining her gown or her delicate feet. She’s so heartbroken and in shock that she doesn't care. Another clue that demonstrates how unhappy and down she was when she said “She disappeared among the reeds and willows that grew thick along the banks of the deep, sluggish bayou ; and she did not come back again. This moment in the story evidently shows that died in there that why she didn't come back out