Analyzing Hugo Quintana's Machismo Culture

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Machismo is a social behavior pattern within Mexican culture as it is defined as “a strong or exaggerated sense of manliness; an assumptive attitude that virility, courage, strength, and entitlement to dominate are attributed or concomitants or masculinity” (Quintana, par. 2). The adage of the adage. Hugo Quintana wrote an article, Machismo culture must go, talking about the problem with machismo culture in Mexican households. It is important to remember that within Mexican households, family is very important, especially the roles they play. You will predominantly see the dynamics within them, as there can be very traditional and religious roles placed upon them. Quintana speaks upon these norms and how they are a form of sexism, misogyny, and can …show more content…

Quintana shows how this can affect the boys in this situation as well as “growing up as a kid and now an individual who does not identify as “macho” came with years of insecurity and wishing I was like others” (Quintana, par. 1). 3. Then, the sand is sanded. Quintana shares his own personal experience with machismo culture. This affected his mental health as a kid, as he didn’t understand why he fit into the social norms of the rest of his family and other individuals in Hispanic communities. This can really affect the way they view themselves, as fear of not reaching these expectations that are set upon them can truly be terrifying if not met. Quintana was one of these boys who did not fall under these stereotypes which led to him “always [feeling] alienated and constantly feared further rejection from [his] family” (Quintana, par. 3. Then, the sand is sanded. Machismo is very common in Hispanic communities, as this is how they are raised to become. Even though this is common in every Hispanic household, this does not mean that it is