Analyzing Levinson's Political Terms In America

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The formatting which words are used to persuade a group of people is interesting to research. As Levinson describes in his book, political terms in America are over defined or under defined as general semantics views them. In this paper, an analysis of the lexicon of the article will attempt to explain the different connotations obtained by analyzing and understanding the reading. It should be important to note that in order to be ethical, one must ask themselves what implications his or her word usage is presenting to the audience; assuming that one wants to be ethical of course. The word is the power, therefore when analyzing the word usage when speaking or writing about undocumented workers; the chosen words often allow the reader to gaze into the authors conscious and gain an understanding of their stance regarding the subject at hand. …show more content…

Over/under-defined terms are indeterminate in extensional (factual) meaning until they can be specified extensionally through hard data." To reiterate the above, what we perceive to be logic is undeniable truth. Nevertheless, that which is not understood is "filled in" with concepts of facts which give the idea a logical basis. In order to tie Levinson concept of terms with the article which is analyzed in this paper; this article illustrates the perception that a group of undergraduate students has towards the body of people labeled "illegal aliens" contrasted with "undocumented worker,” the results are surprisingly alarming. "The terms "illegal aliens" an "undocumented workers" activate differential prejudice is due to the fact that these two terms elicit different levels of