Analyzing Orson Welles Authorship Controversy

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The authorship controversy in regards to Orson Welles part in producing, starring and directing “one of the greatest film of all time,” in respect to the its time. The film is Welles’ attempt and is used as a superb example for the use of various filming techniques such as deep focus; chiaroscuro lighting on subjects and characters, jump cuts, long takes to which he has been praised for using all these forms of film making and combining them into one for the first time in cinematic history. It has been noted for Welles to take credit for such productions before Citizen Kane, such as when he worked with Mercury Theatre with air scripts on the radio with the acclaimed success of War of the Worlds broadcast, noting that so much publicity had been buzzed that he decided to take full authorship of the radio production even though the studios had their own writer an had been a …show more content…

The studio had continued and encouraged him to take authorship of the production as they believed to would bring good publicity and it would further feed into Welles ego as well in my opinion. Evidence suggests that Welles did have a lot to do with the various filming techniques used but was not solely responsible in writing the script but was written by Herman Mankiewicz. Mankiewicz who was familiar with William Randolph Hearst who has spent some time at Hearst Castle located in the Central California coast, who had come to resemble the protagonist, Charles Foster Kane. To which Makiewicz had come to obtain such personal information that Welles could have not have harbored. In conclusion Welles as much genius Welles was in his contribion to the script, the film would not have been feasible nor a success without the idea of Mankiewicz and his insider information which in turn make this a total collaboration between Welles, Mankiewicz and