Analyzing Socrates Arguments Of Euthyphro

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Midterm Short Essay (Question 2) Socrates objects to Euthyphro’s definition of piety because according to the two premises agreed by Euthyphro, pious is not equal to the god-loved. In the dialogue when Socrates wants to explain the reason the Euthyphro, Socrates says, “So it is in the same case as the things just mentioned; it is not being loved by those who love it because it is something loved, but it is something loved because it is being loved by them?” (10d). Here Socrates presents his first premise for his argument: Something is loved by God, because it is God loved. Then Socrates asks Euthyphro, “It is being loved because it is pious, or for some other reasons? —For no other reasons” (10d). In this sentence we get another premise of the argument: Pious is being loved because it is pious and there will be no other reasons. …show more content…

The first premise is that something is loved by God because it is God loved. The second premise is that pious is God loved because it is pious. We can simply change the premises into another easily understand form by marking “loved by God” as “A”, “God loved as B” and “pious” as “C”. Therefore, the first premise now is that something is “A” because it is “B”. The second premise now is that something is “B” because it is “C”. With these two premises, the conclusion we can get is that “A” is not equal to “C”.Then we plug the terms back into their original, and we will get the conclusion that pious is not equal to loved by