Analyzing The Essay 'When You' Re Wasting Tons Of Water

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Have you ever thought of where food goes when you throw it out? Or how it affects our world as a whole? Well it does a lot, it affects the earth badly, it also affects humans and animals, and most of time it is the bad food that does it. Here is why we should find a way to stop wasting food.

Firstly, it has an effect on the earth's water. The article, 'When You Waste Food, You're Wasting Tons of Water, Too,' from The Salt says, "1.3 billions of food wasted each year is 45 trillion gallons of water." That is a lot of water going away, which is really bad for the earth and it can cause a lot of problems in the sea. Not only do we need water, but so do plants. Plants are how we breathe. They give us oxygen, and without plants we will suffer a lot and not have clean air. It also as the article states it, "Wastes a heck of a lot of water." So where are we gonna get our drinks from? How are we as humans going to live without an essential human need? …show more content…

The article, 'Wasted Food = Wasted Water,' from Civil Eats says, "It places a finite on our fresh water resources." We need fresh water to live and stay hydrated. Water is a drink that has no calories, no artificial flavors, and it makes you more energized. It is the most perfect drink and very natrual. But us wasting our food is going to affect that, because later on we won't have water anymore. We won't have the means of what it gives us. The article also states, "25% of all freshwater consumed anually is associated with discarded food." Meaning we are loosing 25% of water every year because we don't want to keep food. That's a huge amount of water that we won't have the following

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