Analyzing The Little Tin Soldier In Stephen Crane's The Veteran

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About the story

This little tin soldier however is very peculiar because of a missing left leg not being made. When the little boy removes the soldiers from the toy box the main character recognizes a cardboard castle with a very beautiful toy ballerina dancing in front of the gate of the castle. By this time the soldier is infatuated with love. He then is engulfed by self-doubt and is subjected to some traumatising events. The end of these events reunites the tin soldier with the ballerina and love blossoms. Suddenly the tin soldier is thrown into the fire furnace. He accepts his fate with tears in his eyes and the twist occurs when the toy ballerina falls into the furnace as well. The ballerina begins to hug the tin soldier for comfort. Both toys ignited they die.

‘The Veteran’ by Stephen Crane is about an American civil war veteran. The story begins in a grocery with the main character and his grandson exchanging conversations with several other men. The reader is led to believe that the main character knew the people prior to the events of the story. He is speaking pointedly of his exploits during the civil war. The second and final part of the story occurs in the veteran’s barn. The barn catches ablaze and the farm animals are stuck inside. The veteran saves the animals but in the process perishes from the collapse of the farm.

Despite the …show more content…

He is depicted to have a blue and red uniform while holding a musket. His personality can only described as brave and infatuate. Despite his traumatic experience while down a vile and disgusting gutter his brave attitude led him to stay steady and not flinch it is even referenced in the story “the poor tin soldier stood as steady as ever, he did not flinch. It is also well known to say that the main character is infatuated. The first time he locked eye contact on the ballerina dancing he automatically fell in