Anatomy Homework

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Anatomy homework HK24CY005 1.1
The structure of the hand
The structure of the hand is made up of bones muscles, tendons and ligaments joints and nerves. The bones of the forearm are the ulna and radius.
The hand is made up of 27 bones that fall into 3 areas which are the carpals, metacarpals and phalanges.
There are 8 Carpals, Trapezium, Trapezoid, Capitate, Hamate, Scaphoid, Lunate, Triquetrum and the Pisiform.
There are 5 Metacarpals, the 5 Metacarpals that form the palm of the hand.
There are 14 Phalanges, they form the fingers. Each finger has a proximal, middle and distal phalange. The thumb has only 2 phalanges.
The muscles in the hands and feet are skeletal muscles and they are in charge of the movement of the hands and fingers. …show more content…

The bones of the foot are made up of 3 arches
The Medial arch runs down the medial length side of the foot and consists of the calcaneus, navicular and all 3 cuneiforms.
The Longitudinal arch runs down the lateral length of the foot and consists of the calcaneus, cuboid and the lateral metatarsals.
The transverse arch runs across the foot and is formed by the cuboid, 3 cuneiforms and the base of the five metatarsal.
The muscles of the lower leg and foot can be divided into the interior, posterior and lateral compartments.
The anterior muscles of the lower leg dorisflex the ankle joint and extend the toes. These are the Tabialis anterior, The Extensor hallucis longus, The Extensor digitorum and the peroneus tertius.
The Posterior muscles plantar flex the foot and flex the toes. These are
Gastrocnemius, Soleus, Flexor Hallucis Longus, Flexor digitorum longus and the Tibialis posterior.

The lateral muscles, plantar flex the ankle joint and everts the foot; these are Peroneus longus and Peroneus brevis.
Muscles of the dorsum of the foot extend the toes. The Extensor digitorum brevis extend toes 2-4 while the Extensor hallucis brevis extends the big

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