Rg3's Injury

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The ACL crosses diagonally in the middle of the knee behind the patella and it connects the tibia to the femur. Its function is to prevent the tibia from sliding in front of the femur and to prevent overextension of the knee. The LCL connects the femur to the fibula and its function is to keep the lateral side of the knee stable. RG3’s injury is due to an ACL and LCL tear. The ACL was torn when his foot planted in the field and his knee cut into internal rotation. His LCL was torn due to excessive knee adduction. He was susceptible to this turn of events due to a prior injury caused by landing wrong after a jump. When he performed the long jump his knees internally rotated past their range of motion.
When RG3 performed the long jump his knees …show more content…

The hamstrings action is knee flexion and hip extension, its origin is at the ischial tuberosity, its insertion is at the posterior aspect of the medial condyle of the tibia, and it is innervated by the sciatic nerve. To strengthen and stretch these two muscles, I would recommend that he lie flat on his back and put a resistance band at the arch of his foot. He should bring his knee to his chest, and then try to extend the leg against resistance. This will strengthen his quadriceps and hamstrings but the resistance band will also keep his knee from hyperextending from side to side. The gracilis’ action is adduction and internal knee rotation, its origin is at the pubic ramus, its insertion is at the medial surface of the tibia below the condyle, and its innervated by the femoral nerve and the obturator nerve. Lying sideways with the injured leg straightened on the floor, he should cross the uninjured leg in front of the injured one. This will force the injured leg to extend and bear weight. The gluteus maximus’ action is extension, external rotation, and hip abduction. The origin is at the ilium, sacrum, and coccyx, the insertion is at the lateral surface of the greater trochanter, and it is innervated by the inferior gluteal nerve. Lying on the side of the uninjured leg

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