Core Strengthening Exercises

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Core strengthening exercises are likely to lead to an increase of the overall quality of life experienced by people. Core strengthening increases the quality of life by: providing core stability which can prevent or reduce pain in the lower back; Contributing to a strong base for the lower extremities fine motor skills to operate off of; and offering better balance. “For optimal core stability, both the smaller, deeper core muscles and the larger, superficial core muscles must contract in sequence with appropriate timing and tension.”1 Research has led to some specific deep core muscles to target for maximum results: The transverse abdominis and the multifidus. The benefits of core strengthening for young adults’ age nineteen to forty can have lasting effects throughout their life span.
Core strengthening exercises provide core stability which can prevent or reduce pain in the lower back. The idea works by making the transverse abdominis and multifidus thicker with …show more content…

“The transverses abdominis (Tr.A) is the first muscle activated during lower extremity movements, indicating that it is the primary muscle linked to core stability during lower limb movements.”3 This makes core strengthening important for the placement of the distal end of the extremity in use at the moment. The function provided here is better placement of the foot when walking or running either on a flat even surface or a rugged hiking trail. The evidence that corroborated this is in an article written by Arti Kaushik and Saurabh Sharma that states: “Core muscle development is believed to be important in many functional and athletic activities, because core muscle recruitment should enhance core stability and help provide proximal stability to facilitate distal mobility.”4 For young adults this means fewer injuries while walking or running on an indoor track or hiking the great