
MCL Sprains In Sports

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An athlete can injury their MCL in any type of sports or physical activity. All it takes is a sudden twisting movement on the knee when it is planted on the ground. But the sports that one will typically see a MCL sprain in is football, when a player is tackled awkwardly, tennis, due to the sudden turning when chasing down the ball, basketball, landing awkwardly after jumping for a shot or a rebound, and in gymnastics, once again landing awkwardly during a routine. But again an MCL sprain can be seen in other sports such as soccer, when going for the ball. Some statistics on knee injuries include that 18-23 percent of all football injuries involve the knee, 20-34 is the typical age range an athlete gets an MCL sprain, 25% of all knee injuries …show more content…

There are respectfully known as Grade 1, Grade 2 and Grade 3 MCL sprains. With a grade 1 MCL sprain, less then 10% of the ligament is involved. It is the least severe of all the MCL sprains and only involves overstretching of the ligaments. The athlete may show signs and symptoms such as point tenderness, pain on the inside of the knee, swelling and stiffness. Some bruising maybe involved but this usually results 24-48 hours after injury. A grade 2 MCL injury is a partial tear of the MCL but the ligament is still intact. An athlete with a grade 2 MCL injury could have immediate bruising as well as swelling due to internal bleeding. Also the joint will have some instability, as well as the symptoms involved with a grade 1 injury. The most severe MCL injury is a Grade 3. With this injury a complete tear of the MCL is involved. The knee joint will be complete unstable and the athlete will be unable to bear any weight on that joint. As a physical therapist, there are a couple different tests that can preformed to determine if the injury is involves the MCL or not as well as the severity of an MCL injury. When assessing an athlete for a MCL injury watch how the athlete is able to bear weight on the injury is the first key observation. Also obtaining a history of the injury is important. Some key questions to ask …show more content…

The first weeks goals is to control swelling through RICE and NSAIDS. Phase 2 last from 1-2 weeks post injury. The goals during this phase is to eliminate the swelling and begin with range of motion exercises. The hope after this phase is that the patient is able to begin with jogging. Phase 3 ranges from 2-4 weeks post injury. During this phase the goal of physical therapy is to regain full strength in the MCL and to begin sports specific exercises. Phase 4 of a grade 1 MCL injury ranges from 3-6 weeks post injury. During this phase the goal is to return to full range of motion and stregthstrength exercises. As well as the ability to return to any sports they were playing prior to the injury. A grade 2-3 MCL injury is a more server injury with the need of longer rehab. Will there are still 4 phases of rehabilitation each phase will last longer with a more server injury. Phase 1 last 4 weeks with the goals during this phase to be to control swelling and gain range of motion more then 90 degrees. During the later portion of this phase rehab can begin to focus on weight bearing exercises, with partial during week 2 and full weight bearing by week 4. The goal during week 4 is to begin normal walking while using a knee brace is highly

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